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Ihar Aliakseyeu

I develop software solutions with a diverse skill set that includes marketing and business analytics, project management, and coding. I excel in coordinating organizational processes and ensuring project cohesion. Let my CV show you how I can contribute to your projects.



Setting the boundaries of the project and determining exactly what goals, deadlines and project results will be worked on.

Dividing tasks into smaller single units of work to make the work more manageable, approachable and increase accuracy of estimation. Assist team members in estimation in story points and natural hours.

Description of dependencies and durations is a task for software calculation. Determining the longest stretch of dependent activities and measuring the time required to complete them from start to finish.

Image of the work schedule on the timeline, taking into account the dependencies and workload of the project team members.

Highlight short-term specific points on the project timeline, signal readiness anchors for individual components and sub-components, other non-coding activities, or need for external review or input and budget checks.

Highlight long-term, flexible scope, dynamically changing projects and committments. Scheduling of volumes and terms of deliveries.

Identification of stakeholders, team members and their activities.

Identifying and planning for potential risks, what positive or negative impacts may happen to the project if the risk does occur.

Instead of reactive action, I am able to keep a cool mind, think and act in connection with the situation and the environment.

I can think outside the box and find new solutions to problems that have not yet been created in the instructions.

Application of a framework with agile management practices in the development of complex products in conditions of uncertainty.

Respect for the Three Pillars of Empiricism
Transparency in what we do, inspection of the work being done and adaptation to the new environment.

Respect to The Five Scrum Values
Committing to the team and Sprint Goal. Focusing on keeping the customer happy. Telling everyone everything about all my work (within the contract). Respect for colleagues, the ability to listen, help in what I`m good and lack of judgment to anyone. Courage to voice and defend one's point of view regardless of hierarchical traditions.

Planning the volume and workload of team members, consultation and assistance in finding trade-offs.

I clearly and succinctly express my thoughts, organize and hold meetings, friendly with colleagues, have a great sense of humor, create memes in work chat.


Translating business needs into requirements documentation.

Description of processes in the form of flowcharts understandable for reading by a wide range of project participants.

Description of the technical features of the developed system.

Using a framework to build and visually describe the priorities and relationships of key indicators to achieve goals.

Determination of performance indicators of work on the project of individual team members, the entire team, users and the system.

Determination of performance indicators of the developed product and business.

Determination of indicators of threats and opportunities for prompt decision-making and prioritization.

Participation in the development of graphical interfaces, color combinations, branding and promotional materials.

Participation in the development of the logic of user interaction with the system, the study of trends, testing and analysis of effectiveness.

Descriptions of possible interactions of the system with users or other systems to indicate the flow of information.

Evaluation of the importance, urgency and sufficiency of backlog items to create a useful part of the product in a certain period of time.

A meaningful and concise description of an independent system capability. Grouping stories by Themes and Epics and help in decomposition into tasks.

Compilation of criteria and verification of the readiness of the backlog item to be accepted to Sprint.

Compilation of criteria and verification of the readiness of the backlog item to be accepted for delivery to the increment.

Compilation of criteria and verification of the readiness of the increment to be accepted for delivery to the product.


HTML5 CSS3 Bootstrap Sass GIT Java Script Node.JS Vue.JS WordPress


Atlassian Jira Atlassian Confluence Trello MS Excel Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Figma Visual Studio Code GitHub NPM webpack

Courses & certificates

Additional education that I regularly do to be in trend and improve my skills.
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2017

Work experience

AWTG Sp. z.o.o.

2023-... Poland, Warszaw


2022-2023 United Kingdom, London

  • / Until now
    • reviewing source documentation with requirements;
    • negotiations with the customer to clarify the wishes and strict requirements;
    • requirements analysis and documentation creation in Confluence (IEEE 830-1993);
    • negotiations in search of trade-offs in technical solutions and expected utility/value;
    • technical support, consultation and creating guides for administrators and users;
    • design approval (Figma);
  • / Until now
    • scheduling meetings with the development team and stakeholders (MS Teams);
    • definition of areas of responsibility for coordination of activities (RACI-matrix);
    • creating tasks in Jira to implement the requirements from the documentation;
    • distribution of tasks by technical areas (web, iOS, Android);
    • decomposition and estimation of tasks with the team;
    • candidate interviews, one-on-one interviews, team member performance summaries


Belarus, Minsk

  • /
    • investigation of the calculation and forecast of the goods delivery cost;
    • data analysis for individual goods recommendations;
    • analysis and forecast of goods balances in customer warehouses;
    • description of data synchronization with a personal account, 1C system and connected CRM services;
    • construction and schematic representation of goals and metrics (BPMN, Mind map)
  • /
    • organization of information collection and delivery of new features (Excel);
    • task management (Planfix);
    • description, decomposition and estimation.


Belarus, Minsk

  • /
    • technical support old Drupal sites;
    • task management in (Planfix, Trello);
    • preparation of layouts (Axure);
    • description, decomposition and estimation.
  • /
    • Drupal8 theming with Bootstrap;
    • creating email templates with Foundation for emails;
    • development of simple calculators and quizzes with JavaScript.

MaxFoodTrade LLC

Belarus, Minsk

  • /
    • marketing projects оrganization for 2 fast food chains Presto Pizza and Funny Chicken in 8 outlets in Belarus;
    • inventing schemes of special trade offers;
    • online and offline advertising;
    • search, coordination, setting tasks and control of contractors;
    • advertising effectiveness analysis and reporting;
    • concept development and tasks preparation for designers. LLC

Belarus, Minsk

  • /
    • creation of text and graphic content on the site (Photoshop+Illustrator);
    • promotional emails and push notifications;
    • analysis of the effectiveness of advertising channels and omnichannel sequence (Google Analytics + Yandex.Metrica + Excel);
    • creating email templates with Foundation for emails. LCC

Belarus, Minsk

  • /
    • creation of text and graphic content on the site (Photoshop + Illustrator);
    • analysis of goods for the selection of thematic discounts and sales;
    • promotional emails and push notifications;
    • analysis of the effectiveness of advertising channels (Google Analytics + Yandex.Metrica + Excel).

Temp Tay LLC

Belarus, Minsk

  • /
    • Internship;
    • image preparation and content management (Photoshop);
    • adaptation site for mobile devices (css media queries);
    • setting up software and equipment in the office.
...previous experience in garment production: cutter, tailor, salon administrator. I worked as a construction worker for extra pocket money: carrying loads, mixing mortars, laying tiles etc.


Belarus, Minsk

  • /
    • live broadcasts;
    • reviews and announcements of events;
    • holding contests;
    • reading news and advertising blocks;
    • regular interviews with guests.

Questoria Minsk

Belarus, Minsk

  • /
    • study of game scripts;
    • training of game participants;
    • adaptation and support of participants;
    • creating an atmosphere of celebration and easy communication.


  • Upper-Intermediate, B2-C1 70%
  • Pre-Intermediate, A2-B1; 30%
  • Native language, C1-C2 95%
  • Native language, C1-C2 90%
  • Intermediate, B1-B2 50%


Sites that have survived and I have permission to show them as my work.